Friday, January 15, 2010

What Is Goldens Spoons Wage Goldens!!!?

Goldens!!!? - what is goldens spoons wage

I would like to know more about Golden's I know a lot about them, but I want more. I would like to know the details of people, or their own THX


♥Golden gal♥ said...

Hello Hanna!
Everyone has many links for you to see and get a real understanding that Golden's!
I have gold for almost 31 years in the possession and for the 27 or so increased.
It is used as a hunting dog. This means that bred, had a companion dog the hunter to his side on the field and at home. Gold is always appreciated as a hunting dog. But they have one of the most popular breeds for families to be.
Gold can be a very long life and very active cose to 15 years and older, but their overall average cycle LIF is 12 to 14 years.
Golden came in the shadow of Darth some very lite Golden gold. My son, my photo as a medium golden. I also have 2 gold easier here with me now!
Gold Extreamily dogs are intelligent, trainable, very loyal to their owners, swimmers.
They are gold, but not a guard dog barks in order to enter a strange noise alert or property.
Golden SH 2 have greatEDS year. The spring and autumn. Once a year, it minimizes usually blow their coats in the fall of their winter coats in good preparation and the right tools, toilet.
The men are 75 to 85 pounds of women are generally smaller than 65 and 75 pounds. You need more than 24 inches in height Whitters.
Gold training should the wonderful dogs they are. They tend to be a bit hyper as a puppy, but if you know for the PBR and learn, then who can redirect the puppy to you. all gold must be clarified OFA hips, eyes clear test test thyroid, heart and clear elbows.
Because of gold every year has to be raised a privilege and an honor.
If I have something you want to know you have missed, please do not hesitate to contact me by e-mail.
I hope I answered some of your questions.

Add: Thanks for alerting me that question Vet Tech.

Triss said...

they are so so sweet and affectionate and loves to swim and ride the back of the car. I would recommend finding one. =]

BYB's suck Saddam'sPen.. said... is the best place to start.

Silver Moon said...

Here's a good link is below!

What's with the thumbs down? There are some good answers here! I do not understand.

Vet Tech ♥'s Christmas! said...

Hon, the protagonist of this is GoldenGal .. a wonderful resource for you!

In the meantime, here are some wonderful sites for you to scrutinize: ... ...

Good luck!

Add: BYB means "backyard breeders. Backyard breeders are not responsible and not reliable. Never buy a puppy from a BYB.

Chris C said...

Goldens are great dogs. They throw constantly, so think of it. Golden Retrievers are generally tolerant of all ages wonder to children. Check the trainer more closely and test it before you decide!

Toki W said...

My gold is a very nice dog just puppies with my male gold
swimmners adorable temperd good dogs, good hunters, good mothers defently KNOW! and more

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