Is it safe to have a baby with somebody who has Crohns disease? - crohns disease more condition_treatment
My friend and I have been 3 years and to reflect on the birth of a child. Is it important that Crohn's disease? The baby can it?
Is it safe to have a baby with somebody who has Crohns disease? - crohns disease more condition_treatment
My friend and I have been 3 years and to reflect on the birth of a child. Is it important that Crohn's disease? The baby can it?
Good genetics tells only part of the problem. People with Crohn's disease are 10-20% chance of a father, brother, sister or child who is too. It is a gene linked to disease and affects how the body reacts to certain microbes. There are also environmental factors and the immune system, and no one really knows the extent of the party. Given the variability in how it affects people, and 80-90% chance that the child is not a defective gene, if your friend - I'd say the odds are very much in favor inherit a healthy child. But if you're really worried, then you might consider genetic testing and counseling, and then try to decide.
Yes, it can be transmitted.
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